Saturday, February 6, 2016

In the Home Stretch...I think?

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For the past few several months we have been slowly renovating our 80s basement. Several years I go I did a tiny upgrade (mostly by painting, adding pictures, area rugs, etc.) but have lived with the acoustic white drop ceiling panels for waaay too long.

I had wanted to tackle this basement for the longest time but knew it would be a big project. So I waited. Why? Because I knew that if it were to be done right it would mean pulling down that awful ceiling. That. was. expensive. More than that? It would be time consuming.

But one day, to my surprise, my husband started yanking down the ceiling tiles and metal framing. Well there was no turning back at the point. That said, we lived with no ceiling, exposed ductwork and drooping insulation for more months than I want to count. Mainly because we just didn't know what to do.

But finally we had a plan. Well sort of a plan. At least we had a plan for the ceiling. We decided to use 6" pine car siding for the ceiling leaving the ductwork exposed. Sort of going for the industrial look.

It was still expensive and it was slow. But in the end, my husband did a fabulous job! Since this was the main part of the project I feel like we are in the home stretch. But then there's the flooring...sigh.

Up close look at the bolt/washer combo that my hubby added.

Exposed duct work with the plank ceiling. We actually did nothing to the ductwork, leaving it 'vintage' and original! Well that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

New light fixtures are a welcome replacement to the fluorescent tube lighting from before!
We left the planking natural. No poly, no stain. Nothing and we love it.
It is amazing how taking out the drop ceiling and putting in the planking added about 3" of height which makes the basement so so much bigger and more open.

Now on to the flooring and stairs.

Linking up this week to:

Grace at Home
Feathered Nest Friday  
Pretty Pintastic Party

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...