Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A POP of Green!

My living room has been bothering me for quite some time now. Everyone that comes in my house thinks it is beautiful but for me, something was not quite right. It was not as good as it could be. The color of the walls were not quite the right shade of green and the curtains the same.

My living room is my favorite place in the morning. I love to sit in my favorite leather chair, read my Bible and drink my morning coffee. There is a great view out the front window and, though we are in a residential neighborhood, oftentimes I see herds of deer running through the front yard or bunnies hopping across my porch and the birds chirping. Even in the winter, the snow piled on the branches of the pine trees make for a beautiful sight. But there has been something lacking in the peace and tranquility of my living room.

I knew that I liked the green of the walls but it wasn't the right green. So, I kept searching and praying which is the way it usually works for me. Then, one day an idea will pop into my head or I will see a picture on the internet that sparks an idea and Walla, I know just what to do! This time was no different. I finally found the perfect green and, paint brush in hand, started to tear apart the living room and paint it my new green.

I was so excited! I just knew that this would be perfect. Well, after two gallons of paint and much more painting to do I had to run to Menard's for more paint. Only to find they were out of the base paint that was used. They graciously offered to substitute another base coat but I had learned the hard way previously not to do that. Cause even though they mix it exact, it will be just a touch different. So, I had to wait a week for a new delivery. Yikes, not good cause I had a houseful of people coming over in four days (I always work well with a deadline looming!)

During my week of waiting I kept looking at my walls and getting more and more worried. I was worried that I didn't quite like the green I was putting up. Ever happened to you? You have to understand that EVERY wall in my house is textured. Some of you might think this is just great but have you ever painted textured walls? What a bear! I had worked hard on the first three coats of paint and the thought of starting again freaked me out. After all, I'm not as young as I used to be!

Now that the pieces are finally coming together, I am truly loving it! It is sooo relaxing and calming for being such a vibrant green and at night....ooooh it is cozy and warm. I wish I was this happy with all my choices!

This was the before green color wash that I put on over the existing pre-owner beige.

This was while painting.

New window treatments added a few months later.

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...