Thursday, November 5, 2009


Wow, I've been cruising through a lot of blogs lately created by seemingly unbelievable superwoman who are moms, photographers, decorators, writers and on and on. It is just a tad overwhelming! But, I've decided to jump into the blogging world 'feet first' as they say. I certainly don't feel like I have a lot to add but hopefully can contribute something worth reading.

Let me just say that I LOVE TO DECORATE! Okay, there I said it. Whew, I feel a lot better now. I have tried just about everything in the painting world. Most people think I have quite a knack for it. When I discovered HGTV's Rate My Space (which I absolutely love, btw) I got pretty confident and posted pictures of my beautiful home. Oh, how humiliating! People ripped them apart and I cried for days! But I finally determined not to let it deter me from doing what I love to do. So, here is where I will begin though I'm not too sure how or where to start.

Oh, did I mention we are remodeling our bathroom. Wow, what a journey. I never knew it could be so hard. We spent 2-1/2 hours just deciding on the bathroom vanity and that was just one day where we actually placed the order. That didn't include the gazillion (is that a word) trips to Menards, Lowes, The Kitchen and Bath Shop, researching online, etc. I will post before and after pictures and you can tell me how we did.

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