Friday, July 27, 2012

Not Yer Average DIY

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Okay, this diy is a little out there. I wouldn't even recommend you try this at home. In fact, you probably couldn't try this at home. Well okay, I suppose you could sort of try it at home. What the heck am I talking about you ask?  Designing theatre stage sets. Okay, told you it was "Not Yer Average DIY."

This is a typical start of a set design. Basic plywood construction
base coat it, then start painting.

Two of my kids have been part of a great theatre group that is local to our area. This theatre group is a non-profit, wholesome environment for kids to enjoy theatre. Because they are non-profit, they rely on volunteer help (usually parents) for everything from costumes design, stage sets, lights, filmography, you name it. This is where I come in.

One year I made the comment that I could help paint. That was all she wrote, I started by painting some faux rocks on a wall and some lettering. By the next year, I was doing about 90% of the artistic design. It is a challenging yet rewarding experience! Lots of hours, lots of doubts and fears that I'm good enough, but in the end it all turns out great!
This is the witches castle for The Wizard of Oz after
adding a faux window and faux rocks.

In the end, a TON of hours are spent on designing the set and painting for 3-4 nights of performances and then it is all torn down. A very humbling experience to say the least. Because you work so hard, then it all comes together and it looks amazing, then it's done and all torn apart and put in storage.

Lucky for me, theatre sets are very forgiving. You have to paint with
a sense of  'heightened reality' to make it visually interesting.

This is the scarecrow scene from The Wizard of Oz
Painting done, props not in place.

Start of Emerald City set.

Painting 90% complete.

Working on Auntie Em's House
There ya have it, what I have been doing for the month of July. Will post pictures of the final stage, props all in place, because it truly looks amazing. And right when I have had enough and ask myself "why do I do this?", I see it all in place and think "yup, I'd do it again."

Hooking up this week to:

Open House Party Thursdays
Thursday Linky Party at Somewhat Simple
Transformations Thursdays at Shabby Creek Cottage
 Fantabulous Friday

Liz Marie Blog

Monday, July 16, 2012

How to Refresh a Tired Table.

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Is your table as tired as my table? 

Bet not. 
Start with some light sanding, just enough to rough up the finish.
I start with a 60 grit to take the finish off, then use a 220 to smooth it out.

My table is old. 

I don't really know how old. I only know how long I've had my table.

Before living with us our table lived, neglected, in somebody's basement. We rescued this poor table from it's old home and brought it to our home. 
Back when I loved country. Shhh, don't tell that to anyone please and thank you.

My table has earned it's keep a 100 times over. 

It gets used day. in. and. day. out. Many times a day by ravenous teenagers who never seem to get full. 

It was time to breath a little refresh into this hard working table and make it beautiful again.

Spray paint is your friend. Here is Heirloom White.
After a couple of years of thinking on it, I took the plunge. 

Seriously it took about 6 hours total to refresh it and a little elbow grease. Why did I wait so long people?

Top of the table

Refresh and restyled!

Mixed an existing tinted glaze with a bronze metallic paint
Found on clearance for $3.26 at the hardware.

With an old rag, wiped the glaze onto the top of the table.
Hooking up this week to:

Fall in Love with Spray Paint Linky Party at Thistlewood Farms

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bored this weekend? Take the Weekend Blog Walk.

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It's been hot here and dry! Whew, like something I have not seen ever in our area. The rain has disappeared for weeks and along with it, my energy and motivation to do many projects or blog updates. So I thought this would be a great weekend to joing the Weekend Blog Walk @ Home Take 2. So come on out and take a walk with us!

At Home Take 2

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...