Monday, September 30, 2013

Turning your nothings into somethings


Somedays I get so overwhelmed that I do nothing.

Yup. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

Because I have so many somethings that those somethings lead to nothings.

That's when I need my nothing inspired by something.

Something that gives me direction and helps me to take those next steps.

So when I need my nothings turned into somethings I turn to the source of all somethings.

The Peace that passes all understanding that comes from my something with God.

Join me for the next 31 days as I share my thoughts on how to turn your nothings into somethings.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What inspires you?

I love inspiration and it comes from everywhere. Oftentimes when I least expect it and when I am least prepared. Yup.

Inspiration usually hits me at the worst possible moments. Moments when I am weeding my flower beds, or doing the laundry, or cleaning toilets. Toilets are so inspirational ya know?

So I had to think on this and wonder why the greatest of ideas come to me at the worst of times. Times when I can't capture my ideas to remember later. The answer? It was when I was doing everyday, routine tasks that don't require mental energy and my mind is free. Free to dream and plan and plot.

Sometimes though, I get inspiration from others. In fact often I do. So, when that happens and I am out and about and something I see hits my fancy, I snap a picture.

This is the picture of some art that I saw hanging in a cute little gift shop while on vacation in St. Charles, MO.
This was my inspiration. Hanging in all it's beauty in
a pricey little gift shop in St. Charles, MO
So I confidently go out to the shed and dig out some old fence boards, buy the perfect stencil from Hobby Lobby, mix some leftover paint into the perfect color and confidently start what I know is going to be my best project yet!

A few days later I have my biggest mistake yet!

A big mistake that turned into one of my best pieces!
Linking up this week to:

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...