Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas Dreaming

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I don't know why but I dreaming of Christmas already. 

I believe this is originally from
I had someone 'annomously' upset with me for not giving proper credit.
Very sorry. Was not intentional and I thought I
was giving proper credit.Photos came off of Pinterest.

Maybe it's because I am hearing Christmas music in the stores and the decorations were put out at Hobby Lobby in July. 
I believe this is originally from
I had someone 'annomously' upset with me for not giving proper credit.
Very sorry. Was not intentional and I thought I
was giving proper credit.Photos came off of Pinterest.

Isn't that why they call it Christmas in July?

I usually resist until the last minute. Not this year.

I believe this is originally from
I had someone 'annomously' upset with me for not giving proper credit.
Very sorry. Was not intentional and I thought I
was giving proper credit.Photos came off of Pinterest.

This year, I have great, big plans.

I believe this is originally from
I had someone 'annomously' upset with me for not giving proper credit.
Very sorry. Was not intentional and I thought I
was giving proper credit.Photos came off of Pinterest.

My house will be beautiful with all sorts of nifty crafty little Christmas decorations that I'm going to make.

It will also be beautiful because of all the vignettes that I create.
Beautiful mantel inspiration from Pinterest

Well, and as long as I am dreaming...

I want my house to look like this.

Love the simpleness of this! Thanks Pinterest

Partying this week with:

Weekend WrapUp Party @ Tatertots and Jello 
Show and Tell Saturday at Be Different, Act Normal

Life is an evolving door

Pin It This room in our house is our favorite. The one we spend the most time in. Where we watch tv, read, enjoy sunsets and walk onto the ...