Friday, December 31, 2010

Top Projects for 2010

Wow, this year has flown by hasn't it? Hard to believe we are ushering in 2011. I love the linky parties and the blog posts that allow us to look back on all we've accomplished this year. Holds us accountable to each other and inspires me to keep on decorating! Well, okay I'd be doing it anyway but I L O V E seeing what everybody else is doing. I am a great idea stealer...haha.

Anyway, these are a few of my favorite projects that I completed this year...

Although this project definitely was the least rewarding while doing the work, it probably was the most rewarding of all. To have all my baseboard one color and trimmed out the same made the whole main floor really flow better. Amazing what little things can do!

My most recent bathroom update, Pretty in Purple

This was by far our biggest project of the year. Truthfully it started in November of 2009 and didn't get finished until January of 2010! Ouch. Check it out in "The Afters."

This project was a LONG time coming! I thought and thought and read and read and pondered just what to do with the back of the counter bar. I even tried a few things (paper bag wallpapering, etc.), all of them flops. Then, I finally decided on adding the beadboard, check out the DIY Beadboard Treatment


Well, okay so much for top 10 projects. But, you get the drift. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A few of my favorite things...reviewing Christmas 2010

We are in the middle of our first real snow storm in Michigan. It's has rained all day, turned to snow and ice, and really starting to pile up. Might lead to our first snow day. I am sitting at a hotel in a city about an hour from my home for a work related event and getting ready to post pictures about my 2011 Christmas decorating. Wanted to review last year and see all the changes that I made for this year. Many of the changes simply involve using the same items in a different way. I love how easy it is to change up a room simply by moving some things around, changing furniture, spray painting something a different color. So easy yet so much change!

I definitely like to decorate a bit more 'winterish' and not so seasonal so that I can keep up most of my decorations up for awhile past the holidays. Snowman are one of my top favorite winter decorating items for sure and, where I live, we always have plenty of winter and plenty of snow!

Last year, I hung ornaments from the dining room chandellier, really enjoyed this look but haven't done it this year.

Silver and gold I have some. I love ornaments!! There are always great finds at Salvation Army or Dollar Tree for cheap and they look so great!

Painted the sign above this mirror a light beige and highlighted it in milk white glaze. Looks so o o oo much better!

My pine trees are up all year round, haha but they got banished to the basement rec room. No snow on them this year!
This was our Charlie Brown tree last year, decorated by my boys. This year, they lost interest and I am working on it. Night quite finished but close.

The reindeer flew the coop and landed and a beautiful new (to me) piece of furniture that I'm dying to show off (photos coming soon)

Wreath decorated mirror in living room
Bookshelves in office.
Can't wait to share what I did this year!

Ornaments galore.
Snowflakes hanging from my dining room windows
Merry Christmas
Dining room bookshelf display
Lights, ornaments, and red. What more do you need for Christmas?

Sparkly Christmas tree
Dollar Tree wreath looks rustic hanging from this shelf.
Let it snow....says it all. Well, let it snow until January.

Thanks for reminiscing with me! Looking forward to sharing my new, revamped for 2011, Christmas decorations!

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...