Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Colors of Christmas

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The other day I was trying to think exactly what it was that I loved about Christmas.

Kitchen Buffet reflecting the red.

Red glittery candles.

It didn't take long for me to realize it was the colors. The colors of Christmas.

Mr. Snowman watches over our home.

For me, the color of Christmas is RED. Red just makes my heart happy. But I love the glittery golds and silvers and the white lights. Oh and the colored lights.

Stars, a beautiful Christmas symbol.

Red brings joy!

Don't you think red is a happy color? I mean, who could not like a little red in their lives.

And of course, Candles!

Well, unless the red is in your checkbook. That might not be so good.

Red looks good with most any color.

Even darker reds command attention.
Ornaments are a simple decorative element.

But red for Christmas? That is perfect.

Partying this week at:
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Primp Your Stuff
Wow Us Wednesdays
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Vignette Party at Southern Hospitality

1 comment:

  1. My favorite thing about decorations is the mirror reflections - double the pretty. Love your red ornament tree! I always get lonely for the decorations when I have to take them down.


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