Monday, May 13, 2013

Simple and easy way to keep your silk plants fresh.

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We all have it. That dried wreath, the faux greenery, the silk flowers. Yup, I betcha each and every one of you have some in your homes. Cause after all it looks amazing. Like, how can they make that stuff so real looking?

But a year later that silk plant looks dingy and the dried wreath is dusty. And you try to dust them with a cloth. Or you sick the blow dryer on them. You could probably even take them outside and shake them out. So what to do my friends? How do you keep them looking fresh and keep those dust bunnies away?

Same thing you do to your kids. Throw them in the shower! The shower will wash away the dust and brighten them up and make them look brand new again. Or, you can spray them off in the kitchen sink but either way, after you spray, let them drip dry for awhile. Shake them out a little bit and put them back out again. And if the colors run a little bit, no worries, it won't even hurt them!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ways to drive your husband nuts, part 1

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My husband is a good sport. Really, he is. Over our almost 24 years of marriage he has tackled some pretty unique projects. All because I have asked him. Now that's not bad, huh?

However I have noticed a trend that, as the years have gone by, he has been less and less enthusiastic about some of my projects. Yup probably most of them if the truth be told. So for many years, I would do my part of the project and when I got to the part I needed help with (usually installation of something) I would start it myself which would get the immediate -- and anticipated -- reaction of "here, let me do that." Score!
An old picture from from my father-in-laws house.
I can't resist a great picture frame!
Not sure how to use it yet but will figure it out!

Now don't judge him. He is very handy and almost always willing to install a new patio door or hardwood flooring. Those kinds of projects he is okay with and even wants to do. It's the "The Decorating Chica's" projects that he struggles with because these are, in the big scheme of things, pretty unnecessary. Well,to him anyway!  

With a little creativity and some paint!

So thus begins my newest project the 'picture framed turned ceiling light medallion' project. I mean, after all, you can't let a good picture frame go to waste now can you?

After a few minor mishaps, the successful installation of a picture frame hanging on the ceiling. Yup, maybe this time I have really lost it!
My picture frame turned ceiling medallion!

Partying this week at:
How I found my style Sundays  
10 Beautiful DIY Lamps and Linky Party
nifty thrifty things
Overflowing with Creativity @ It's Overflowing
Sundae Scoop Weekend Wrap Up Party @ I love Nap Time 
So Darn Crafty Party @ Sew Many Ways

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...