Monday, January 27, 2014

Bacon Made Easy

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I have a secret. It's a great little secret as secret's often are. If I tell, promise you won't get too excited?

I mean, even if this secret is something super easy?

Line a cookie sheet with foil.
Add bacon.

Even if it makes you have a 'duh' moment?

When I found out this little secret I was super excited!

Preheat your oven to 375 or 400.
Pop that pan in there for 10-15 minutes
(depending on how crisp you like it).

You see I was hooked up this Fall. Hooked up with a simple, easy 3 step process to cook bacon.

A process that turned me from a bacon cooking hater into a bacon cooking lover!

Move the bacon to drain on papertowel.
Beautiful, crisp bacon.
Remove foil and throw away.
Less mess. Less greasy, smelly house. No greasy spatters all over your stove. What's not to love?

Linking up this week:

1 comment:

  1. I use the oven too. Great tips. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty


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