Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Project That had no end, finally ended

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You have it. You know you do. That project that never ends.

You know, the one that you need that 'special something' to finish it off but you just. can't. find. it.

It all started with a doorbell. This doorbell was like most doorbells. At least most doorbells out of the 70s that is. Now it would be called vintage but in 2004 it was just. plain. ugly.
My sad doorbell.

For several months I stared at that doorbell. At first the doorbell didn't seem that bad. But then, after tearing down ugly wallpaper and painting the kitchen all of a sudden that doorbell was real. ugly.

So ugly that I just couldn't stand it anymore. One day, I ripped off the ugly case to find that underneath that doorbell case was an even uglier doorbell.

So for years I just stared at it. And hated it. But didn't know what to do with it. Until one day. One fine Pinterest day. I found my answer.

And as all go Pinteresters do. I made my own copy of that pin


It started with a canvas,

and some left over paint.

And a stencil and more left over paint.

And a stencil.


And a doorbell cover to be proud of. The end. Well, sort of. But that is for another post.

Linking up this week to:
Creative Things Thursday at The Vintage Farmhouse

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