Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Look of Sprinter

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You know that time. The couple of months after all the Christmas decorations come down but it is too early for spring. The season of Sprinter...between winter and spring.

I tend to go for the neutral look of pine cones, branches, fake greenery and such.

Branches, twigs, and anything 'nature' is a great way to showcase sprinter.

Pine cones can be gathered right from your yard or a field. Throw them in a basket for a great natural look.

But come early March the birds come out. The bird houses and flowers and anything spring. Cause even though our weather in Michigan may not be spring-like, the days are noticably longer, the birds are singing more and we may even get robin sighting! All signs that spring is not far. Usually, by that time, I am more than ready to get out the spring decor.

These are actually Christmas decorations. I remove the red ribbons and ornaments and they become a great look for sprinter.

More natural elements with rocks are season-neutral.

I always prefer real plants but, alas, I am not a horticulturalist! I grow great plants outside but have never done well with indoor plants.

This ivy topiary is my newest purchase and, yes, a REAL plant! Note how healthy it is now, we shall see what a month brings. Cross your fingers.

Neutrals and hardscapes are a great way to keep things season-neutral.
How do you decorate for those weeks between Christmas and Spring?

Linking up to:
Feathered Nest Friday
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspire Me Monday  

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Don't pass it up, seriously.

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I don't know about you but I always have a list of little things that I need to shop for to complete one project or another. Always.

The problem is when I get the chance to stop into my favorite consignment shops, or HomeGoods I oftentimes get overwhelmed cause there is so much cool stuff! And my mind. goes. blank. Seriously. This especially happens when I go to big flea markets and places where there is row upon row of great stuff. I just can't focus.

Both the mirror and the gold wall decor were random buys because I loved them. Now they hang together and make a great wall grouping!

The blue plate I purchased at a consignment shop for 1.50. Couldn't exactly pass that up!

So I decided to take a different approach several years ago. I made up my mind if I saw something that I just loved I was gonna buy it. Even if I didn't know what I was gonna do with it. So that's what I've done. Which sometimes means that I have stuff that sits in my basement. Sometimes for a couple years. But always, if I wait long enough, the opportunity arises where that piece I have been saving is just what I need to complete a project!

These two little black frames I grabbed at a garage sale, removed the pictures inside, and have had the frames for about 6 months. Finally I found a place to use them! Just couldn't get them in focus!

These two little wreaths I couldn't pass up

This mason jar full of buttons was only $6.00! Why did I get them? Because I have had a project in my head that requires lots of buttons. Have you seen the price of buttons in the fabric stores? Crazy expensive Will I get to the project? I hope so but in the meantime, they sit on a shelf and look pretty.

So there you have it, my dirty little secret! I mean, come on, we all have them.

Linking up to:
Pretty Pintastic Link Party
Inspire Me Monday
Inspire Me Tuesday

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...