Friday, August 31, 2012

A Touch of Fall.

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Can you feel the change in season? It seems so early but it is in the air. Fall that is! I normally get out my fall decorations after Labor Day but had an itch to start a bit early. Maybe it was just the need for change. The desire to update and change up my house a little. Do you ever feel that way?
My new Fall mantel minus a couple white pumpkins,
yet to come. I'm sure there will be more tweaks.

Pulling out my Fall decorations usually starts the ball rolling to updates and refreshes throughout the house. In this case, I started with my fireplace. To be honest, I am never quite satisfied with my fireplace. It takes up the WHOLE back wall of our office, is all brick with charcoal grout, which makes the area dark. I have dreamt of painting the brick for about two years and was determined to do it this time. Not.

"Before" bookshelves picture.
Loved it but trying to lighten the area.

Before the "before" The original shelves were all the dark wood
that you see on the sides and shelve

So, in this update I painted the back of the shelves white, painted the mantel white and antiqued it with a bronze metallic. Then I dabbed bronze metallic glaze onto the brick to give it a touch of shine and help it reflect light. It is a step in the direction I want to go. Someday I may get the nerve to paint the whole thing. As much as I love to paint, I can't quite get up the nerve to paint the brick. I think because there is just no turning back once I do it.

Today. Getting them lighter and lighter.
Maybe next, I'll have the nerve to paint the brick!

White pumpkin love!

Book ends found at HomeGoods on clearance. Great deal!

Just the start of Fall tweaking to be done!

Linking up this week:

Link Party #70 at Redoux 
Potpourri Friday at A Potpourri of Life at 2805
Grace at Home #24 at Imparting Grace
Saturday Night Special at Funky Junk Interiors 

1 comment:

  1. You're making great progress! I do like the shelves painted white--and i think you should go for it and paint the brick!!

    Meanwhile, I especially like the white pumpkin in the little galvanized bucket. That's too cute!


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