Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall is in the House

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Be still my heart, Fall is here. 
You see Fall is my favorite season. 

Dried gourds make a great table piece

Don't get me wrong, I try to live by Phillipians 4 which says 'in all things think on that which is good..." That is my montra and my motto. 

Hydrangas are popping!

White pumpkin love.

So, I can find something good about every season. But Fall? Fall is like chocolate syrup and nuts on ice cream. The sights. The smells. The crisp air. favorite? Marching Band season. 

More white pumpkin love.

Nuff said.

Oh yeah, I know that most people go to a football game to see. What else? Football. My oldest son played football for four years and I was at every game. But I love marching band. 

Berry tree.

Simple porch wreath

Rustic wood art

Where will my family be this weekend? At the football game and the Marching Band Invitational.

Had to sneak this one in there. Go Band!

So welcome Fall, glad to have you back again.

Partying this week with:
Link Party at Redoux Interiors
Fantabulous Friday
Grace at Home 
2805 Potpourri Party
Treasure Hunt Thursday       


  1. Thank you for sharing your Fall decor and inspiration at Potpourri Friday!

  2. What a fun definition of Fall! I agree! Thank you for sharing your creative touch with Potpourri Friday!

  3. Amen! Welcome back, fall!

    Love the pumpkin atop the galvanized bucket. That's adorable!

    Enjoy marching band season!!


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