Friday, August 2, 2013

Quick and Easy Concrete Mixing

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Concrete projects are becoming quite the rage right now and you might be itching to try one yourself.

I've tackled a few recently. 

Quick and easy concrete pavers.

Some turned out great and some...not so much. Anyway I'm super geeked about the whole concrete thing. I mean, 1.99 a bag! Can't beat the price and it is super easy to mix. The worse part is lifting the darn bags. But, that's why I grew these 6' boys isn't it?

My attempt at making a concrete garden globe. Ummm. yeah.
Back to the drawing board on that one.

So don't let the whole concrete thing scare you by following these quick and easy steps.

Start with an average bucket of any kind.
Probably should be clean but honestly
I don't usually worry about it.

Use any old garden tool to mix.

Add dry concrete mix and water. I usually estimate about how much
concrete I need and add little more. The most important
part with the water is to add in small increments and mix
in between. If you add too much water, you usually
have to add more dry and then you end up with way too much!

Mix between each addition of water being careful to dig down deep
to the bottom to get all the dry mix.

In the end you have to make sure to mix it all well but, depending on the look you're going for, you can have it a little on the dry side (which creates a rougher end product) or more wet (which creates a smoother end product).

Once you try it a time or two, you will be an old pro!
Go ahead, don't be afraid and give it a try.

Linking up this week to:

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