Sunday, May 11, 2014

Quick and Easy Summer Cooking

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I don't know about you but when summer hits, my whole approach to meal preparation changes. I no longer have a desire to bake and spend a lot of time cooking. Well, maybe that could be said at any time of year! 

However as I get older, I somehow am finding satisfaction in preparing a good meal for my family. Could be simply that my guys are super appreciative of a good meal and that inspires me! But whether it's simply too hot to cook or you need to throw something together quick, here are a couple super easy and super tasty side dishes that go with just about any main dish. 

This dish uses fresh vegetables, Kraft Greek Vinaigrette Dressing, italian seasoning, and parmesan or mozzarella cheese. I always put summer and zucchini squash and then add whatever I have on hand. Tomato, green pepper, onion, carrots, olives, etc. Simply chunk up the vegetables and shredded or chunked cheese and toss with Kraft Greek Vinaigrette dressing. Let set for 4-6 hours or overnight in your refrigerator. Mix it up quickly before serving for a tasty, simple side dish.

This simple dish consists of a package of spinach leaves (prewashed and ready for a salad), sliced up strawberries, chopped walnuts or pecans. Mix together and toss with Poppy Seed Dressing for a simply, but tasty, side salad.

The ingredients are easy, and flexible, so you may even have everything you need right in your cupboard! I love to cook this way. 

Linking up this week to:

Show Off and Inspire at A Stroll Thru Life
Serenity Saturday at Serenity You
Saturday Show-Licous at Sewlicous Home Decor
Dare to Share at Pams Party and Practical Tips


  1. Thanks for the yummy salad recipes! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at our Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Join us again on Saturday to show off your latest projects!

    ~ Ashley

  2. These both look wonderful. Visiting from Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party!


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