Sunday, February 1, 2015

Updated Living Room, yes again!

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I thought that today, on this blustery winter Michigan day would be a great time to share my updated living room.

New grey on the walls, new curtains, new rug from Pier 1.

This room started with the desire to neutralize our house, possibly for purposes of selling in the near future, and mostly because as much as I love color, I have been recently in love with all the new greys out there. Aren't they just fabulous! But most importantly because I wanted to 'unify' all the many transitions that exist in this room to make them flow better.

View facing west. Still have to add the curtain/valance on the west window.

So a few months ago I took the plunge and painted my living room which led to several other changes. Many of which I wasn't not planning on or expecting! Does that ever happen to you?

View facing east that includes the entry way. Oh and of course a cute chocolate lab!

Our house was built in the 70s and every. single. wall. is. textured. Seriously. That said, painting rooms in our house is not for the faint of heart. You need several coats of paint, a thick paint roller, going back many, many times to check for drips and runs. It is very tedious and very frustrating. But I have to say that this time, due to convenience, I went to Ace Hardware and bought Clark and Kensington paint. I initially asked for 3 gallons as this paint job typically takes at least that much. Luckily for me, the lady only mixed two. Although at the time I was frustrated, it ended being a blessing. I was able to paint this room with one. coat. of. paint and finished the whole area only using 1-1/2 gallons total. Talk about shocked! Keep in mind I was covering a rather dark green as well.

This is the green that I was covering!
This paint is called "Submarine' from Dutch Boy.

Linking up this week to:


  1. oh man, this is a big change once i see the green. love the wood wall and of course the chocolate lab. enjoy!

  2. The wall is stunning!! I LOVE it! :) And the new color is so pretty.

  3. I too have moved to neutrals. Your living room turned out great! Love the color. Thank you for sharing it at What We Accomplished Wednesdays. Have a great week!
    Blessings, Deborah


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