Tuesday, January 26, 2010

$2.50 garage sale lamps and a little paint

I found these lamps for $2.50 each at a garage sale and just had to get them. Didn't know what to do with them or even where I would use them but I loved the 'bones.'

Well, I let them sit in my basement for a few weeks just thinking about them, trying to figure out what I would do with them. Then, saw a cool project on "resolved-2-worship" xanga site and decided to try it on these lamps. Took off the shades and donated to Goodwill! Got out the spray paint and "wala" (is that a word?).

See the 'after' and let me know what you think.

They look like brand new but I don't think the picture does them justice.


  1. Great find for $2.50! I like the new color and the new shade looks great. Looks like there is some great detail on the base of these!


  2. What a good shopper you are! It looks great!! Makes you proud does it not!!! Good for you! Thanks for sharing!
    Mama Holli

  3. great job! some other junker will pick up the shades and do something with them! :)


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