Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Saling We Will Go

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There is nothing I like better than to go out for some relaxing free time, get away from all the stress, and go saling. Garage saling. Yup. There is nothing like the sight of a great find. It is worth wading through all the junk for the one BEAUTIFUL find. The kind of find that is something you've been looking for F O R E V E R! Better than a drug.

Shelf love

Soap dispenser to replace the one I broke
$3.00. What can I say?

Love all things vintage and old.
 These old ceiling tiles are sah-weeet
Of course, then there is the find that you really don't need. In fact, you don't need it at all but you can't possibly pass up a deal this great. And for that price? NEVER
Plate love from Big Lots at 90% off.
 They might as well just given it to me!

So ends my tale of the best afternoon all summer. Well almost.

Linking up this week to:

Trash to Treasure Tuesday at Kammy's Korner
Old to New Your Great Redoux
Weekend Wonders at The Thriftiness Miss   

At Home Take 2


  1. I've never heard of garage sailing but I think I like it and I can't believe what awesome finds you got...

    Following ya now from the Weekend blog hop. If you're up for a bit of a ride I'd love it if you'd join us at localsugarhawaii.com where we're riding the wave of life one little adventure at a time. And if you'd like we're linking up with friends today and would love for you to join us.


  2. I love the shelf and the way it's decorated. I'm thinking of doing shelves in our family room. I found you via the hop and I'm now following. When you can, I'd love a visit at my little place: http://www.thedivvyspot.com. Thanks and have an awesome weekend!

  3. Hi there!! I'm a new follower via blog walk. Love your garage saling finds!!


  4. I love shopping in general - doesn't matter where - love when I find great finds! New follower from the mingle, would love a follow back.



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