Sunday, December 22, 2013

How much Christmas is Too Much Christmas?

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Can you believe Christmas is only three days away? I am so excited to be off work and able to finish up shopping and wrapping this weekend. Ready to enjoy this coming week!

Added pinecones

Be Still....

Our traditional gingerbread house.
We're getting better every year!

My $3.00 chicken, spray painted.

Pine cones from the yard

Did I say I love ornaments?

But even with all that, I am aware that throughout the busy-ness of this season I have much to be thankful for. 

More ornaments.

Top of the armoire

Fireplace Mantel
I am thankful that all my guys are home and healthy and doing well.


The birth of Jesus, why we celebrate!

Ornament tree

Thankful that even though my boys are older now, two of them young adults, they still love the traditions that we have had over the years.

My quaint angel changes with the seasons but is always looking out for us.

Read my other post, Christmas Tour Part 1 and Decorating with Ornaments.

From our house to yours, wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas!

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1 comment:

  1. I think you hit the mark on the right amount of Christmas - love your mantel! It's perfect.


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