Friday, June 27, 2014

Pinning at The Ultimate Pinterest Party

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Having a blast pinning with the other wonderful ladies over at The Ultimate Pinterest Party.

Wanna see what I am pinning?

DIY Mother's Day fountain

DIY Birthday gift from my sister. Made out of yard sale glass vases and dishes.
Don't judge the table, it is next on my list for a revamp!

Come join the fun at The Ultimate Pinterest Party

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dining Room Tour

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My dining room, as with all my rooms, are ever changing and have gone through multiple transitions. I only wish I had been taking pictures back when we first moved in because you would not believe what it was like!

Looking in from the living room. The dining room is rather small with
two doorways, side by side, that go to different rooms. Crazy.

At the back of the room, you will see my repurposed fence turned art project and my wall gallery project.

BHG Knock Off Project.

Oh and then there is the crystal tree knock off project here.

Same view, other side.
And of course there was the Bored and Batty project!
But these days I am happy with my dining room and don't see any big changes any time soon!

Sharing today at:
Grace at Home 
The Best DIY at Redoux Interiors
Treasure Hunt Thursdays at From My Front Porch to Yours 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Exterior Decorating for Free

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What can I say about rocks? Actually I could say a lot but for now,
rocks are a landscapers friend!

This beautiful gate came from a church attic and a friend surprised me with it as a thank you for all my work painting theatre sets! Let me tell you it is never going anywhere. It weighs a ton!

Yup, you read right. Free! I am all over it. I love to decorate the outside just as much as the inside and I especially love to find great stuff to use in my landscaping that is free. Really, if you get the right mindset it is quite easy. You just have to think outside the box.

Bricks are everywhere and these came from my sister's inlaws.

Old windows are great to use outside and in this case, are curbside finds.

Keep your eyes peeled and your mind open and you will find a great variety of things that are fun to use in your landscaping. Really the sky is the limit! 

Rocks are free if you keep your eyes open. These beauties (original pile was about double) were sitting in my neighbors driveway and I stopped one night as we were walking and asked if he was getting rid of them. Spring is a great time to drive out in the country and look along the roadside near plowed fields. Farmers will pile rocks, found when plowing, along the road or at the end of a driveway for free pickup.

Don't expect to find these cement planters for free. This was a special blessing and had been sitting in the backyard of my sisters inlaws, full of weeds and half buried and I asked if I could have it.

These large 'display' type rocks are hard to find but can be beautiful when you do!
This beauty was found right on our property.

I love anything with history and character. I am not even sure where I got this!

Bricks are another easy find. Lots of people tend to have a few extra bricks laying around leftover from a project. Ask your friends on Facebook and you will be surprised! Don't worry if they don't match, that is part of the uniqueness!

Perennials are another great freebie. Especially if you are thinning out some of your own or your perennials have babies in the Spring. Organize a perennial trade party or ask around on Facebook. you will be amazed how many people have extras!

Keep your eyes open and happy hunting!

Linking up this week at:

Hump Day Happenings
Share Your Talent With Twirl
Share Your Stuff Tuesday

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ye Olde New Door

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There once was an old door. It was a faithful friend who stood guard over it's owners home for many, many years. But it was time. Time for it to go. 

Getting ready to paint the new door.

So a new door went up in it's place but it was very plain. And it did not like being very plain.

Finished door and repainted room.

Then one day it's owner got out the paint brushes and the paint and the door was plain no more.

Adding a little character with a stencil and silver metallic paint.

Sharing this week at:

Home Stories A to Z 
Green Willow Pond 
Ivy and Elephants
 DIY by Design
We Are That Family
Style Sisters
Beyone The Picket Fence
Tarnished Royalty
The Blissful Bee
The Dedicated House
Posed Perfection
A Delightsome Life

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spring Is in Full Bloom!

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Everyone is always welcome!
Spring is in full swing and teetering on the edge of summer. I love this time of year! My gardens are coming up and looking amazing! I love this because I know in another month, everything will be dried and brown and I will be watering my gardens every other day just to keep them surviving!

Garden fence with rustic charm.

$3. bird house and an old pole.
But so far, they are looking gorgeous and I had to share a little bit.

Old windows picked up in someone's garbage. Yeah, I have no pride!

Some birds stay here all winter, even in the sub zero temps!

Home for many bird visitors.

More spring perennials

Pretty in purple.

Hostas and herbs, mums and lamb's ear all make up this side garden.

I easily mix sun loving and shade loving perennials without hardly any problems.

I am a perennial gardener who love to junk garden by using what I have or items I pick up in a garage sale or somebody's trash. Natural items like tree stumps and rocks play a big part as well. One of my favorite past times is to take the boys out rock hunting in the Spring! Well, like I said it is one of my favorite things to do, they seem to think it's work?

An old gate found in a storage area at our former church.
I love using broken statuaries and chips of brick and other assorted 'misfits'.

Hiding in the back is my cement angel, found at a garage sale for around $10.

Peonies looking great this year.

Iris' are blooming late this year.

Tree stumps and broken angels.

Don't even ask what this flower is!
Linking up this week to:

Home Stories A to Z
The Blissful Bee
Love of Family & Home
The Shabby Creek Cottage
No Minimalist Here 
Posed Perfection
Imparting Grace
Between Naps On The Porch
Glamorous and Affordable Life 
The 36th Avenue 

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...