Saturday, May 31, 2014

DIY Bathroom Vanity Mirror

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A few years back, when we gutted and updated our 70s bathroom, we had a real problem. Not uncommon with 70s bathrooms, there were two recessed medicine cabinets with rather dated, and dare I say ugly...oops, I mean vintage, mirrored doors. These were one of the many things that I couldn't wait to get out of there!

Temporary solution to cover the two holes in the wall by
using mirrors from another room.

But it unfortunately left me with a problem. Two holes in the wall that were surrounded by light fixtures on the top, left and right. This left me with a very awkward space to fill!

Searching for the perfect mirror was not easy, it had two very big qualifications to fulfill! One, that it covered the holes but fit between the two wall sconces. Two, that I liked it! That wasn't easy.

DIY mirror for just under $50.

So I decided to make my own but that did not come without its challenges! After seeing a great DIY on Pinterest using a stock door mirror that you can purchase for $15. at any big box store I thought I had my answer! So I purchased the mirror, purchased the wood and got to work. Along the way I discovered that, even with a 1x6 wood frame around the door mirror it was too big. So I went with 1x4 and that was too small. Yikes. So I did my own thing by combining 1x6 side pieces with 1x4 top and bottom. Stained it with a steel wool/vinegar aging finish and waxed it.

Linking up to:
Before and Afters Linky Party at Remodelholic
Best DIY Linky Party at Redoux Interiors
Grace at Home at Imparting Grace
Dare to Share Saturday
Weekend Wind Down Party      


  1. This is so smart and inexpensive! Thanks for linking up at the Weekend Wind Down Link Party!


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