Thursday, March 3, 2016

New, old art last!

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Wow, does it ever take you two years to finish a project? Well, that's how long this took. My brother in law gave me this cool tongue and grove wood that he was throwing out. I could not let that happen for sure.

The whole piece and where it hangs.

So I took it and figured I would do something with it but wasn't sure what. A few months later I fit the 5 pieces together and decided it would make a great coffee table with metal legs for that industrial look we were going for in our basement remodel.

All I did with the tongue and groove was scrub it (was filthy dirty), let it dry, then added ochre tinted wax.

Two years later, it ended up as artwork and two shelves for my sons creative space. Long story why and how it ended that way but I think it turned out pretty good.

A close up of the fleur d lei. That was a mdf piece I purchased at Hobby Lobby and then I painted a silver metallic and added silver leaf to parts to make it look aged.
Took me a total of 30-40 minutes to do this. Well, 40 minutes and two years! The ruler art was a piece I created a few years back, you can read about that here, and decided to layer it on top of the tongue and grove. Totally love the look! Is it a perfect piece of art? Nope. But it is rustic and looks perfect hanging on the wall!

Feathered Nest Friday

Grace at Home

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