Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Garden Globes and Gazing Balls and a Hometalk Curator Event

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I was recently contacted by Hometalk and asked to curate a Garden Globes and Gazing Balls event. All because of my bowling ball turned Mosaic Garden Globe project!

Mosaic Bowling Ball

Of course I wouldn't dream of saying no, would you? I was thrilled and honored to be asked. After all I love Hometalk. If you haven't checked out Hometalk you really should. today.

Little did they know that I was in the process of completing another garden globe makeover project that I was getting ready to post!

So I started browsing Hometalk to look for some fabulous garden globe projects and was able to find some very interesting projects to show you. Although overall, there weren't as many as I expected, I think you will find some very unique ideas that you can try at home!

So I hope you enjoy this new board on Hometalk called Garden Globes and Gazing Balls!

Linking up this week to:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Yup, someday

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Do you ever have all these things stored away for those 'some day' projects? Yup, me too. They collect on my long list of things I want to do but never seem to have the time to do them list. You know the one I'm sure.

Now that the summer is half gone and we have settled into somewhat of a summer routine, I have been tackling some of those 'some day' projects.

Once upon a time she was a beautiful ornamental globe that graced my garden.
Her days of splendor gone, it was time for a new look.
It is such a feeling of accomplishment, especially when all those 'some day' projects that are in your head actually end up working and bringing together something new and cool!

Pile of busted glass and plates that I found in my father in law's basement.
Not sure whose they were or were they came from but they were cool. |
And they were old.
When I started revamping this old girl, I wasn't sure what to do. Then I remembered the bag of busted plates that I saved from my father in law's estate sale! Didn't know what to do with them at the time but they were too cool to pass up and ended up on my 'some day' list of things.

A little spray paint from my paint shelf, glued on the glass, added some grout left over from our dining room floor project and she has a whole new life! All it cost was a tube of adhesive for 2.99!

Linking up this week to:

Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Trash to Treasure Tuesday
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House   

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Garden Tour and a Bunch of Great New Ideas

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Every year our community has an annual Garden Tour that is one of my highlights for the summer season. Gives me all kinds of great inspiration and motivation to keep gardening in my home.

Honestly? I have a 'some day' dream that my home will be part of it.

This 'shed' was so adorable. You should have seen the inside

Very unique divider made of old wine bottles and cds.

Love artwork hanging in the garden!

Loved this little shed as it looks so much like mine.

Very beautiful pond that took up the whole
side yard of this owners house.

One of the pathways down and through the pond to the bottom yard.
Loved the personalized chair!

Disguised pathway leading to meter.
 All photos taken with camera phone but hope you enjoy the 2013 Garden Tour!

Linking up this week to:

Treasure Hunt Thursday
Transformation Thursday
Blog Stalking Thursday
Show and Tell Friday          

DIY Potting Table

Pin It So many projects in 2025 and I haven't posted in almost a year! Why? I have been so busy being retired and doing what I love! Bu...