Monday, December 28, 2015

Half Bath Remodel and New Year's Musings

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It's been awhile hasn't it? Life has been a bit crazy as I am now working full time again. Now, you would think that having two young adult sons in college and a 17 year old in college that life would be simpler and easier. Not. so. much. Yeah, that is exactly what I expected as we started this school year and boy was I surprised! I am not sure how life keeps getting busier but it sure does.

But despite the business of everyday life, I have still been working on projects in our home. Just takes me twice as long as it used to!

I recently finished a slight upgrade to our 1/2 bath that was totally not part of my plan or even on the radar. Does that ever happen to you? Seriously we are in the middle of a HUGE basement remodel and one day I decide to start tearing up the bathroom. Don't ask! The good news? I started and finished the project before the basement was completed. I hope you enjoy the remodel.

Let's start with the ceiling. I used Evertrue pine planking, stained with a watered down brown paint to give the ceiling some character.
New vanity with granite top, new towel bar and toilet paper holder.

Added a mosaic tile chair rail around the walls and trimmed out, top and bottom, with chair rail trim.
Used picture frame molding to add character to the wainscoting. This was the hardest part of the whole project! Each wall measures slightly different and the are bowed as well. Very frustrating to get the boxes straight.
Used the same paint color as what I used in the basement stairway. It looks almost a dark, dark grey most of the time but has a definite purple tone. Love the color!

A bad picture of the new vanity. Could not get a good picture because of how small the bathroom is.

Found this beauty at a salvage store that I thought could be used for the mirror. Turns out that didn't work but I just loved the frame so much I hung it up for wall art.

The bathroom is small enough that it is impossible to get a picture of the whole bathroom but I hope these pictures show enough that you can get a good idea of the change. To see older versions of the bathroom, go here.

Linking up this week to:
Amaze Me Monday
Top Projects of 2015 Party


  1. You made beautiful changes in that tiny room. The ceiling is gorgeous!

  2. Your bathroom looks beautiful. Nice colors too.
    and your picture of the lilacs is gorgeous.

    Blessings, Nellie


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