Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you a Versatile Blogger?

What does it mean to be versatile? Versatile means one who is useful in many ways. When you relate this to blogging it means that your blog attracts many different types of people for many different reasons.

Bored and Batty

I was recently awarded "The Versatile Blog Award by Mikki at The ADD Housewife. This is a fun award that includes me nominating 15 other bloggers that I think are versatile and should receive The Versatile Blog Award. After that, I have to list 7 fun facts about myself. That's hard but here goes. 

Seven FACTS about Me:

1. I am OCDD, formerly diagnosed by a close friend years ago. Ever heard of it? Stands for "Obsessive Compulsive Decorating Disorder."
2. Officially middle aged. Ouch. That hurts but it's true. Don't feel it, most say I don't look it, but I am.
3. Mom to 3 amazing high school boys.
4. Painting is my most favorite thing to do next to reading.
5. Married for almost 23 years, to the same man even! Go figure.
6. Word 4 different jobs for one company. Weird I know.
7. Last, but most definitely not least. Lover of Christ. I am imperfect, selfish, but forgiven sinner who doesn't deserve the Love that Christ poors out on me but it's there anyway.

Beadboard Wainscoatting Treatment

Now the blogs:
1. Mary at BoogieBoard Cottage
2. Kim at Too Much Time on My Hands
3. Kari at The Sunset Lane
4. Jennifer at Town and Country Living
5. Martina at Northern Nesting
6. Shari at Turnstyle Vogue
7. Mary at Ms. Redo
8. Becca at FG2B
9. Katie at On The Banks of Squaw Creek

Best Junk of 2011

Now, here are the official rules of the award acceptance once you’re nominated:
  • Thank the person who gave you the award.
  • Include a link to their blog.
  • Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, share 7 things about yourself.
  • In the same post include this set of rules.
  • Inform each nominee with a comment on their blog
  • Become a blog follower.

There ya have it. Simple, huh?

Monday, April 9, 2012

That works for me too!

Hey, did you hear about the great e-Book that has been published by Kristen Welch and Jennifer De Groot? Over 800 categorized tips, organized into 24 categories with more than 300 contributing bloggers all taken from "Works for Me Wednesday" linky party over at Kristen's blog "We are that family." Sweet huh?

Guess who got a feature? Me. Pretty honored if you ask me. 

Garage Sale Lamps and Paint Works for Me. See this post.

You can learn more about the e-book and purchase it by clicking on the button. And guess what? A portion of the proceeds go to Mercy House. All around sweet deal. So click on the link and buy yourself an early Mother's Day gift!

The Bathroom Re-Do

Pretty in Purple

Houston, we have a problem!

Linking up this week to:

Newbie Linky Party at DebbieDoo's

A portion of this book’s proceeds go to supporting The Mercy House.

Check these out and find out what "Works for Me"

Friday, April 6, 2012

Houston, we have a problem.

Houston, have a problem. Yup, it's a serious one with no remedy known to mankind. No medical intervention can help with this problem. No homeopathic remedies or therapies on record that will help a person with this issue. I l.o.v.e. to spray paint.
Heirloom White spray paint with a stenciled applique on front.

Hardware was spray painted with Rustoleum Bronze Metallic.

Spray painted beauty

There I said it. I have an addiction to spray paint and since the start of my addiction I have suffered numerous spray painting events. Some of which should have resulted in a trip to the ER. I have spray painted my fingers, my arms, my face and even my eye! The can says to seek emergency attention if sprayed in eye. Nope, not going to do it. Praying I don't go blind but it's my day off for goodness sake and the weather is perfect for spray painting. So if you see me, please resist the urge to write in chalk on my chalkboard painted parts, use magnets on my magnet spray painted parts, or dry erase on my dry erase painted parts. 

Here she is getting sanded and readied for spray paint.

 So, enjoy my newest spray painted beauty. From drab to fab, taking an old washstand and spray painting it into new life.

Linking up this week to:

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bored and Batty

Well, you've seen one post about Board and Batten wainscoating, you've seen them all, huh? It's enough to make you bored and batty I tell ya! Okay, so I am no different but I have to share our finished Board and Batten dining room. Why, you might ask? I'll tell ya why. It might be 'easy' but it is H.A.R.D. I mean, yeah. When every. single. wall. in the room is not level. Just sayin'...

Looks pretty easy peasy, huh?
But my husband and I. We did it. Yup. We're done. And, we're still married!

A quick little before. And yes, the pictures are crooked!

To read more about our dining room makeover, click here.

Linking up this week to:

Every day is Party Day!

Decorating Insanity

Life is an evolving door

Pin It This room in our house is our favorite. The one we spend the most time in. Where we watch tv, read, enjoy sunsets and walk onto the ...